CR A-660 details specific rules regarding PA/PTAs’ fundraising, and all executive board members should be familiar with them. The fundraising requirements, which are contained in section III.C., include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Fundraisers must be aligned with the goals of the PA/PTA and proceeds must be used to supplement or complement the education, social and cultural programs of schools. (PA/PTAs may be permitted by the Chancellor, on a case-by-case basis, to raise funds for humanitarian causes.)
  • Plans for PA/PTA fundraising activities must be approved by the membership during a regularly scheduled meeting where there is a quorum.
  • All fundraising activities must also comply with the Chancellor’s Regulations on Flea Markets (CR A-650), Fundraising Activities and Collection of Money from Students (CR A-610), Extended Use of School Buildings (CR D-180) and Sale of Nutritious and Non-Nutritious Foods (CR A-812), as appropriate.
  • Fundraising activities that are prohibited include: sale of movie/theater tickets (with some exceptions), door-to-door solicitation by unaccompanied children, raffle ticket sales to or by children, and gambling.
  • PA/PTA fundraising activities involving students during instructional hours are restricted to two per year.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of fundraising activities during non-instructional hours.
  • The PA/PTA needs the principal’s written consent for fundraising events that are held during instructional hours and involve children or are on school property.
  • The parent coordinator may assist the PA/PTA in publicizing fundraising activities, but may not handle PA/PTA funds.
  • After any fundraising activity, the PA/PTA must prepare a Fundraising Activity Report. It must be filed with the principal no later than 5 days after the activity and presented at the next scheduled general membership meeting.
  • PA/PTAs must make every effort to deposit all cash received from a fundraising activity within one business day, but no longer than three business days. If funds cannot be deposited in the PA/PTA checking account immediately, they must be secured in a locked location on school grounds.