
Kick Off the New School Year with a PTAlink Webinar! Back to School, Back to PA/PTA Basics

Kick off the school year with a PTAlink webinar on Thursday, September 26 at 7pm. PTAlink will present on roles and responsibilities for PA/PTA officers. You will hear from current and former parent leaders and have an opportunity ask questions. Set your PA/PTA up for success by registering here for the Zoom Link.

Check out PTAlink's September Newletter

September is a busy time for everyone. PTAlink's Newsletter is here to keep you up to date. PTAlink continues to survey parent leaders and host a webinar on roles and responsibilities for executive boards. Don't miss our Resource Guide to Expedited Elections. And every month we post a featured question. This month's question comes from a PA/PTA seeking language accommodations for non-English speaking families.

Please Subscribe to PTAlink's Newsletter

Sign up for PTALink’s Newsletter to keep up with our presentations around the city. We are available to answer your questions and share on all things PA/PTA. Email us at [email protected] and for more resources visit our website

Take PTAlink's Voices of NYC PA/PTAs Survey

PTALink strives to make sure our platform and all our resources remain relevant. If you haven’t already, please consider spending few minutes taking our Voices of NYC PA/PTAs Survey.


In 2024, education advocates and organizations are rallying to protect programs that had been funded with expiring federal Covid-Relief Funds. Over the last few years, the NYC Department of Education has been using $7 billion in temporary federal COVID-19 relief funds for important programs, such as 3-K, preschool special education, 450 school social workers, community schools, school nurses, restorative justice, 60 school psychologists, 75 coordinators working in homeless shelters, bilingual staff, translation and interpretation, dyslexia and literacy initiatives, and more. But the federal funds will run out in June 2024, and there is not yet a plan for what comes next.

PA/PTA members are important stakeholders in the fight for resource equity as PA/PTAs have valuable first-hand knowledge about these vital programs and how they impact students, classrooms and schools. PA/PTAs and Presidents’ Councils can be important voices in protecting these services from disappearing.

PA/PTAs and Presidents’ Councils Take Action!

  • Educate yourself and your school community on upcoming budget concerns. Use the Call to Action to learn more. Spread the word through flyers already co-created by the Emergency Coalition to Save Education Programs. The flyers are in our Google Drive “Materials for Fairs” folder here.
  • Join the Call to Action yourself! Join other individuals and organizations calling upon elected leaders to develop a plan to continue these essential programs. Sign the form at
  • Advocate to State Electeds. Share the opportunity for parents to advocate at the state level by emailing their state legislators and other key decision-makers to make sure the final state budget has a substantial increase in funding for our schools to save important education programs.
  • Get more involved by letting organizers know your interest through the online sign-on form:

Changes to Chancellor's Regulation A-660

On November 17, 2021, the Panel for Educational Policy approved amending CR A-660 to include, among other changes, allowing virtual meetings, virtual voting, and online banking. PA/PTAs now may include 3K and Pre-K parents. See the newly published regulation for all the changes.

Fundraising for a New School Buidling

The Urban Assembly New York Harbor School had a big need: they wanted a whole new building. They knew it would take a lot of dedication, a lot of planning, and a lot of skill-building. Read about how PTA leaders made it happen.

DOE's Virtual Guidance for PA/PTAs

The Office of Family & Community Empowerment's (FACE) step-by-step guidance on running a PA/PTA in a virtual environment.

NYSED Health and Safety Guide 2021-22 School Year

Health and Safety Guide for the 2021-2022 School Year New York State Education Department.

DOE's Parent University

The Office of Family & Community Empowerment (FACE) created Parent University to support parent education. It offers online courses and resources.

DOE's Guidelines for PA/PTAs & Presidents' Councils: "Functioning in the Virtual Environment"

The Office of Family & Community Empowerment (FACE) has issued guidelines for PA/PTAs and Presidents' Councils to functions online.

Message about Black Lives Matter

PTAlink joins in the call for meaningful steps to dismantle structural racism and stands in solidarity with the Black LIves Matter movement.

PA/PTA Resources-Sharing During Covid-19

Read how District 15 PTA leaders worked together to support families in need.

How NYC PA/PTAs Have Spent Their Funds

The New York City Independent Budget Office recently released a report titled “How did the city’s public schools use their nearly $13 million in Parent-Teacher Association Grants in school year 2017-2018?." Read the Staten Island Advance's piece.

Thinking about creating a PA/PTA Facebook group?

Here's a sample PA/PTA Facebook policy that you can adapt to suit your PA/PTA prepared with help from nonprofit and intellectual properly law attorneys.

Parents Bill Of Rights

Parents have asked recently about their rights within their school communities. The DOE has a Parents' Bill of Rights which PA/PTAs can share with their parent members.

Does Your PA/PTA Executive Board Have 3 Mandatory Members?

If your PA/PTA board does not have a president, treasurer, and recording secretary, it needs to hold an expedited election. If there are other vacancies, check with your bylaws to see how they should be filled. The Elections page outlines what needs to happen.

Addressing Disparities in PA/PTA Fundraising

Chalkbeat's piece on how some Manhattan parents are looking for solutions to PTA fundraising inequities.

Changes to School Diversity Planning

Mayor de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza announced that the city will adopt the vast majoirty of the preliminary recommendations made by the School Diversity Advisory Group (SDAG). Included is a provision on PA/PTA equity.

NYC Healthy School Food Alliance

A new parent-led, grassroots advocacy group working for holistic school food reform, including scratch-cooked meals, nutrition education, school gardens, and longer lunch and recess times has been making news. Read about them in this recent Daily News piece.

The DOE will have a new Deputy Chancellor

Chancellor Carranza has hired Hydra Mendoza, a former colleague from San Francisco, to fill the newly created role of deputy chancellor of community empowerment, partnerships, and communications. She will oversee the Office of Family and Community Empowerment (FACE).

New York City Public School System Will Get a New Leader

Carmen Farina is stepping down at Chancellor of NYC public schools.

"Hidden Money The Outsized Role of Parent Contributions in School Finance"

This report by the Center for American Progress discusses the impact PTA-supported school funding, particularly what it means for disadvantaged students.

ioby bog: Fundraising if you're not a 501(c)(3)

Read ioby's piece on how organizations that are not 501(c)(3)s can raise funds through crowdfunding. 

November Newsletter

Read our latest newsletter.

Fundraising Ideas from the author of "Beyond the Bake Sale"

This piece on PTOToday profiles Beyond the Bake Sale: The Ultimate School Fundraising Book author Jean Joachim, and offers fundraising ideas from the book.

Highlights from CPAC's August Meeting

Read about the highlights and takeaways from the latest Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC) meeting.

New PA/PTA Bylaws Template

The DOE recently issued its updated PA/PTA Bylaws Template. If your PA/PTA does not have bylaws or needs to revise theirs, the template is a good place to start. It's also available in other languages on the DOE's website.

NY Times: "A PTA Gift For Someone Else's Child? A Touchy Subject in CA"

Several years, the Santa Monica-Malibu school board came up with a solution to PTA inequality: pooling the gains from PTA fundraising across the district and distributing the funds equally among all schools. But not all parents are pleased with the plan.

NY Times: "Anger of Principal Prompts Parents to Occupy an East Harlem School Over Night"

Conflict between parents and the principal at an East Harlem school has escalated to the point where some parents said they would remain overnight at the school until the principal resigned.

Chancellor's Regulation A-660 has been revised

PA/PTA leaders should review the new CR A-660 to make sure they understand their PA/PTA's rights and the organization's practices are in compliance. The PDF contains a summary of the changes.