This treasurer’s checklist is consistent with the requirements contained in CR A-660 but is intended only as a general guide. As the role of the treasurer differs among PA/PTAs, the timeline should be tailored to the needs of your PA/PTA in accordance with its bylaws.
Reoccurring tasks to do each month:
- Perform bank reconciliation and any other record keeping practices
- Prepare Treasurer’s Report; submit to principal and present at General Membership and Executive Board meetings*
- Prepare Fundraising Activity Reports, as needed; submit to principal within 5 days of activity and present at General Membership meeting**
Specific tasks to do at different points during the school year:
Summer before school starts (Depending upon officer availability)
- Make sure new signatures are on file at the bank
- Set up a new set of books/financial records for the school year
- Review prior year’s financial records to make sure they are in order and in compliance with your PA/PTA’s bylaws
- Meet with other officers and school administrators
- Review and update budget with actual income and expenses to date
- Review and distribute budget at General Membership meeting
- Present printed copy of Annual Financial Report from prior year at general membership meeting (if not done earlier)
- For PA/PTAs that are 501(c)(3) organizations, file appropriate IRS 900 tax form by November 15; see the page on reporting requirements for more information
- If the PA/PTA pays individuals for services, collect personal information via W9 forms and request 1099-MISC forms from the IRS
- Prepare PA/PTA Interim Financial Report (covering the period July 1 to January 15); submit to principal by January 31 and distribute to membership
- If the PTA pays individuals for services, begin to fill out 1099-MISC forms and file with IRS before April tax deadline
- If your PTA uses an accountant to file taxes, send him/her financial information from the previous fiscal year (e.g., in January 2018 send the accountant data from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017)
- Assist Executive Board or Budget Committee with proposed budget for the following year
- Submit proposed budget to the General Membership for approval (the timing should be in accordance with your bylaws but must be submitted no later than the June General Membership meeting)
- Submit proposed budget to the General Membership for approval (if not done in May)
- Submit Annual PA/PTA Financial Report to the principal by June 30; distribute to membership (some PA/PTAs choose to do this in September)
- Update budget with actual income and expense figures
- Meet with newly elected PA/PTA officers and conduct transfer of records to incoming Executive Board
- The outgoing treasurer is responsible for transferring to the incoming treasurer all financial records and information about the method of record keeping used by the PA/PTA
- For PA/PTAs that are 501(c)(3) organizations, prepare appropriate IRS tax form 990 for incoming treasurer to file in November (some PA/PTAs hire an accountant to do this); see the page on reporting requirement page for more information
*The Treasurer’s Report must include a statement of all transactions, including income, refunds, reimbursements and other expenditures, and opening and closing balances for the reporting period.
**The Fundraising Activity Reports must be prepared by the PA/PTA Executive Board, according to CR A-60. While the regulation does not mandate that the treasurer create them, the responsibility is often assigned to the treasurer. This report must be prepared for each fundraising activity and include the total amount of funds raised and related expenses.